Tel: 01698 404051

Staff Training

Phew is committed to providing the best possible provision and care for guests who use this service. It is our aim to ensure that all members of staff have the knowledge and training to support guests in any way that help is required. To achieve this, staff will receive such training both formal and informal as they require. Some of the training will be to address the needs of guests who are new to the service and other training will be to refresh or add to the knowledge and skills staff have already.

We believe in providing consistent, creative support by experienced and knowledgeable staff to support individuals. Staff have participated in Moving & Handling, Food Hygiene, Tracheostomy Care, First Aid, Epilepsy Training, Midazolam Administration, Hydrocortisone Administration, Gastrostomy Awareness & Epipen Training.

In addition, we have made a special effort to update and refresh adult protection training, challenging behaviour training, principles and value training and use of behaviour management intervention strategies training (CALM). Further sessions focused on the Keys to Life were linked to training introducing new support plan formats including planning for specific outcomes. As required, new staff are supported to obtain relevant qualifying courses in adult care.


We only recruit people who we believe offer the right mix of the very best levels of skills and expertise, matched by a real passion and devotion to the job.

We are delighted that you are interested in working with Phew. At present, we do not have any vacancies, however positions may become available in the future so please continue to check here.

Health & Saftey

PHEW acknowledges and accepts its statutory responsibilites for securing the Health, Safety and Welfare of all its employees, people using our services, volunteers, members of the public, and all others affected by our activities to provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.

We promote a culture of risk awareness which is supported by a dynamic risk register and business continuity plans to manage severe weather, epidemics and pandemics, and of course events which may impact on service provision at all service levels. Phew carries out regular audits and reviews to ensure that the highest possible standards relating to Health and Safety are maintained.

This is through:

Health and Safety training
Risk Management
Accident and Incident Reporting
Health and Safety review meetings
Establishing clear roles and responsibilities

You can trust us. We are here for the outcome, not the income.


We are committed to achieving and maintaining high standards with regard to behaviour at work, the services we provide and in all working practices. Staff can raise any issues which concern them at work via our whistleblowing process which provides the means to encourage the reporting of genuine concerns about malpractice, illegal acts or failures to comply with recognised standards of work without fear of reprisal or victimisation.