Tel: 01698 404051

Aims and Objectives

PHEW works in partnership with guests, families and carers to deliver quality, accessible and flexible short breaks respite service to meet the needs and outcomes of the individual guest. We do this by:

  • Supporting our guests with Dignity, Respect and Compassion
  • Ensuring our guests are included and supported to make informed choices in relation to their care and support
  • Ensuring that guests and families/carers receive information at the right time in the right way
  • Sharing ideas and suggestions and providing feedback about the service
  • Providing responsive care and support. Our guests are supported and encouraged to meet their assessed individual health and wellbeing needs to meet their desired outcomes. Individual care and support adapts when the guest's needs, choices and decisions change
  • Continue to promote inclusive community facing opportunities for guests - utilising community based facilities
  • Individual choice is paramount in the service we offer
  • Equality and Diversity - PHEW is responsive and respectful to each guest's social, emotional, ethnic, cultural and religious beliefs, practices and values.

PHEW recognises the importance of understanding and respecting each guest's privacy and confidentiality.  We promote human rights and advocacy at all times.

Our Team

Our service is managed by Helen Anderson, Service Manager, who has over 18 years experience in social care. Helen is supported by Linda MacLean, Assistant Manager and four senior care officers.  We have an advisor to the management team and PHEW board who was previously a Social Work Manager and has considerable experience in the social care sector. 

All care staff are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and comply with the associated Codes of Conduct/Practice and work to the Health and Social Care Standards. The care staff are trained and qualified to meet the care and support needs of each guest. The care team are qualified to care for people with a range of complex needs including Aspergers, Autism, Down Syndrome, Mental Health, Cerebral Palsy, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Rett Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Epilepsy, Global Development Delay, Tubular Sclerosis, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS), Primordial Dwarf Syndrome, Prader-Willi, Coeliac Disease and Juvenile Arthritis.

Staff training and development remains a priority for the service. 

PHEW Board Members

Board Members play an important role in determining the policy of PHEW and in supporting management and staff in the day-to-day operation of our service. Board Members share a broad range of experiences which includes parent/carers, health, social work and education backgrounds.

While the policy of PHEW is determined by the Board of Directors, responsibility for implementation of policies and day to day management of the Short Breaks Respite Service rests with the Service Manager and the  Management team. The Service Manager is supported by an Advisor who also offers advice to the Board.

Board Members currently in office are listed below

Mrs Lesley Gray  (Chair)

Mr John Cox (Vice Chair)

Mrs Margaret Johnston

Mrs Jeanette McGuire

Mrs Anne Moore

Mr Richard Burgon

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